Thursday, December 13, 2007

Still Landscaping, how much longer ...

Well, this entry is a bit late I must admit, then I went to update two days ago, and it somehow goofed, and it didn't get posted, so here goes again. Yes, Earl just got the last bit of heavy duty landscaping done before the snow blew in! It's amazing how big our yard is ... like everybody else we though the bigger the yard, the better. What we didn't figure on, was the amount of work we would have to put into it. But, we're finished now and it looks wonderful! Except you will have to wait till Spring to see it now. Everyone in the family is well, except Earl's step father Leonard Meckelborg, he fell and broke his hip ... not good news for someone who is 98 years old. They did surgery to fix it and so far so good. You will remember Earl's mother passed away last year in March, she was 93, and mentally alert till the day she died. Whenever we would visited them and asked Leonard how he was, he'd always say 'I don't know I have no one to compare myself with! Remarkable people!! Christmas is upon us and this year it will be quite quiet, ours usually are. No more small kids or grand kids around to liven things up, maybe we will live long enough to have great grand kids, that should liven things up again. Ruth & Royden will be here this year and it's always such a pleasure to have them, they are such a 'have it all together' couple and always such a blessing to us, their commitment to the Lord is wonderful to see. Our other two grandchildren Russell and Amanda are both studying at the U of A and are going to Mozambique for Christmas. Lynn and Dwight had some air-miles burning a hole in their pocket, so they decided to put to better use. They leave Dec. 18th. They are both doing very well in their studies, both love the Lord, and we are extremely proud fo them both. Pat & Eric are well, Pat just had surgery on her back and is recuperating, she'll be off work for 3 to 6 months. The pain hasn't lessened, but the numbness in her arms and hands is gone, and so are her headaches, so she is very happy for that. Eric has been such a great helper and taken care of the house the dogs, and everything else Pat usually does. I will be going on here another day and adding some pictures ... when I get help from Pat! Till next time ....

Tuesday, December 11, 2007