Saturday, January 3, 2009

Yes, and it has snowed…

The last 6 weeks here in Salmon Arm, involving our family, have been happy and sad. Earl got a case of shingles a week before Christmas, so we were off to doctors trying to figure out what was wrong with him. After 3 days, we got him on the proper medication and he is doing much better. And typical of us, we decided to replace some of the floors in our house, so our furniture was all shoved around into various areas of the house. We now have a lovely stressed slab lino floor in the kitchen, hallway and bathrooms. In the office and laundry we put a vinyl plank floor. It all looks very nice and is better for us seniors, who have a tendency to have scatter rugs all over the place and tend to trip and fall over them. Then, our son-in-laws mother has cancer and has only a few months to live, so some of the family went and spent Christmas with her. We also found out that our Granddaughter’s father in law (Ed Lepp) has cancer of the colon, so we are all quite anxious to see what his treatment will be and what his prognosis will be. And on top of all that, some very dear Pastor friends of ours (Ed & Doreen Breitkruez) were in a horrific accident. The first one they suffered wasn’t so bad, but then the ambulance came and got them all strapped down safely and headed for the nearest hospital, when they ran head on into the back of semi-trailer loaded with pipe. Their injuries were multiplied about a 100%, if you can imagine, they were tightly held on the stretchers, so they both suffered very serious back injuries. Doreen has had her operation after 3 weeks in the hospital and is not home recuperating. She had 7 of her vertebrae fused with a titanium rod. Ed is still in the hospital and in more serious condition. We are praying for a miracle, so that he will not be left a quadra or paraplegic. So, those of you who are praying people can just join us and pray for a miracle on his behalf. Our Christmas meal was with a smaller crowd than usual. We had Pat, Ruth & Royden, two Brazilian friends that live in Salmon Arm, and of course yours truly and Earl. But we had much to be thankful for just the same, and praise the Lord that He came and lived among us and died for us so that we might be forgiven and can share Eternal Life with Him. Our plans are to live for Brazil on February 15th, and just about now we are wishing we were there right now, because it seems it’s all we can do to keep ourselves shovelled out of the snow. It seems to know exactly when to start snowing again, I think the weatherman is watching us! I am including a few pictures for your viewing. May all of you that read this blog have a blessed happy and healthy New Year filled with God’s peace.